Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dick Regar Starts it All

That guy wearing the shades standing behind the lady in the blue dress sitting with her arms around her knees, that's him. Dick Regar. He's the guy who started it all. or so I was always told growing up.

As my father always told the story, Dick loved Allegany State Park New York and wanted to share his love of this beautiful and semi-wild state park with others. So in the late 1960's he organized a group of friends, mostly coworkers from Armstrong Cork (later to be Armstrong World Industries) and booked one of the group camp sites for a week in the summer.

My father was one of the fortunate coworkers who was asked to go along and so our family too, fell in love with Allegany State Park. (ASP)

This blog is for all of those who made the journey, with or without Dick, from the years of about 1969 - 1984 (I am not sure of the last year the group went to ASP after Dick died in 1979 but I know it was the early 1980's).

Of course, pictured above, is the famous Thunder Rocks. Pictured left to right are Dick and Anna May Regar, my sister Chris Weidinger, my little brother Mark and older brother Mike, myself, and my dad, Charles Weidinger.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Allegany State Park Memories

Starting in 1969 a man from Lancaster, PA by the name of Dick Reager started to organize a yearly summer vacation trip to Allegany State Park in New York State. Dick was employed at Armstrong World Industries and recruited friends and coworkers and their families to join him in the mountains for one week a summer.

From 1969 until the late 1970's/early 1980's, these families from Lancaster PA would take a journey northward for a week of fun, relaxation, and friendship, in what we all simply referred to as "The Mountains".

This blog is dedicated to the memory of those great days spent together.